The Big Picture magazine issue 04, exploring the theme of Difficult Hope, is out now in print for UK residents and to read online on our website.

In every issue of the magazine we want to embody and express something of the many ways that Christ is present and playing in everyday life. In our world today hope can seem exceedingly difficult, and the articles and art in this issue seek honestly to attend to the difficulties and the hope that can be found amidst them.
This issue includes:
- Editorial: Difficult Hope, Istine Rodseth Swart
- 5 Reasons to Read Wendell Berry Today, Craig G. Bartholomew
- Artisans of Peace: For What Then Shall We Hope?, C. Hugo Herfst
- An Agrarian Hope, Michelle Stinson
- Chris’s Column: Word on the World, Chris Wright
- Lament: The Liturgical Shape of Difficult Hope, Bridget Nichols
- Hope in Lament, Jamie A. Grant
- Freezing Order, Craig G. Bartholomew
- Deliver Us From Evil: Understanding Vladimir Putin, Craig G. Bartholomew
- The Never-Failing Light: A Contemplation of Terrence Malick’s Film ‘A Hidden Life’, Brett Bradshaw
- Children Lead the Way, Elaine Duncan
- Poems, Jussi Jaakoola
- Origins, Marit Greenwood
- Choral Communion: A Case for Post-Pandemic Church Choirs, Ryanne McLaren Molinari
- Easter at Histon Baptist Church, Kate Farmer
- Refusing to Monetize Joy in a Side-Gig Culture, Jamie Myrose
- Preaching the Bible for All Its Worth: Ephesians
- Public Libraries as Places of Hope, Ricardo Cardenas
- From Eden’s Bowers: Wandering and Homecoming in George MacDonald’s Phantastes, Otto Bam
- Two Kinds of Asceticism, David McIlroy
- Rise Up! For God’s Beautiful – But Broken – Creation, Michael Wagenman
- Poor Bishop Hooper: Music for the Weary Soul, Josh Rodriguez interviews Jesse and Leah Roberts
- In the Studio with Maryke Van Velden, Heidi Salzwedel
- Drawing the Virus Two Years On: April 2022, Walter Hayn
- After Difficulty, Reitze Rodseth
- Hans’s Story, Derek Schuurman
- Gert Swart: Nkosi, Craig G. Bartholomew
- When Hope is Difficult, Carrie Vaughn
- Kingdom Hope and Resilience, Corli Krohn
- Liberating Women: Difficult Hope in Egypt, Dave Beldman
- When This Is Over, Fiona Stewart
- Batter My Heart, Three-Personned God (Sonnet XIV), John Donne
Head over to our online shop and order your copy of the magazine if you are a UK resident, or read it online for free.