
In Acts the Spirit is the missionary. At KLC we seek to accompany the Spirit on his mission rather than becoming messianic ourselves. Spirituality is the hub around which all other Christian vocation and activity revolves. This means we prioritise prayer and other spiritual rhythms.

Our monthly prayer hour is an important and enriching part of the community life of KLC. Sign up below (or on our “Events” page) to join the prayer mailing list. On this page you’ll also find links to our resources for your prayer and contemplation concerning some of the most pressing needs of our time.


Monthly Prayer Hour

Recurring Zoom Event: First Thursday of every month, 4PM UK time

Prayer is at the heart of KLC’s work. Under the leadership of Hugo Herfst, we will host an hour prayer meeting on the first Thursday of every month at 4pm UK time that is open to the whole KLC community.

Call to Prayer and Action

At present, we have prepared a page of resources to help shape your prayers for the war in Ukraine. We hope soon to have a similar page devoted to the tragic events that continue to unfold in Gaza and Israel, and we encourage your prayers for this situation. Of course, our capacity for the development of such resources is limited, and so the lack of representation of any significant world event on this page is not an indication of lack of concern on our part. Please be at prayer and may prayer be a primary expression of our joining of the mission of the Spirit.