Wisdom and Sheer Joy

With the launch of our new website it is a joy to begin writing for the Director and Friends blog.
KLC embodies community, and I will be inviting friends to join me in this enterprise.

With our change in name you may be asking, Is KLC no longer focussing on ethics? Absolutely
not. What we do want to emphasise is that ethics is best defined not as hot button issues but
answering the question “How then should we live?” Hot button issues are important, but they
need to be addressed within the larger context of the Bible, Christian thought and
contemporary analysis. The minute you delve into ethical issues you soon discover that they are
complex and require insight from many disciplines. Academically, the name for this nowadays is
public theology. “Public” means that our work will remain oriented towards ethics. “Theology”
means that we will foster the hard, biblical and inter-disciplinary work essential for working out
how then should we live.

A biblical basis for this is wisdom. In Proverbs 8:22-30 wisdom is personified as an attribute of
God, the means by which he creates the world. Lady Wisdom delights and rejoices in this
process (vv. 30-31). It is one of sheer exhilaration. The result is that God’s ways are built into
God’s world, and human wisdom involves finding God’s ways in every area of life as God has
made it, and living accordingly. This is the path to human flourishing, the path to joy and peace.
Wisdom is not quickly attained. It is the journey of a lifetime. It involves the most rigorous
thinking and the most dedicated living, in community.

As we set out on this new phase in our life, I invite you to join us in our quest for wisdom today.
We certainly need it. As we respond to Proverbs’ call to “Seek wisdom” may we again and again
find ourselves sharing in Lady Wisdom’s sheer exhilaration.

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