Leviticus Seminar

SAHS: Leviticus as Christian Scripture: Formational Reflections

KLC’s Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar recently held this the third of their four-part exploration of Leviticus, with the final part to be held locally at SBL in San Diego in November.

If we believe, with the Apostle Paul, that ALL Scripture is breathed out by God and is useful for the list of formative characteristics in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, then that includes Leviticus. But this raises the all-important question: how does Leviticus form and shape us into the people God is calling us to be in Christ?

We have already had opportunities to push into these questions of Leviticus and formation in our previous sessions, and this is the sole focus in our third event. Our expert guides take us through the following topics:

  • “Habituated for Heaven: the Formative Power of Leviticus”—Dr. Christine
  • “Go, Eat, and Rest: Embodied Ritual as Formation in Leviticus”— Rev. Dr. Amy Davis Abdallah

This is followed by an extended Q&A.

If you missed our first two events in the series, you can watch the video recordings below.

Part 3: Formational Reflections

Parts 1 & 2: