We are saddened to let you know that Jon Hyde, law editor for The Big Picture, Associate Fellow at KLC, solicitor, husband to a barrister, and father to two children, has died of cancer at the age of 42. Jon was a brilliant theological mind, an incisive but compassionate litigator, and a steadfast and faithful friend. Jon spent a lifetime reflecting on law as a vocation.
There is no better testimony to Jon’s own faith than his brave sermon on Jonah chapter 2, preached at his local church in May 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeJhdXKxQT0&list=PLWcB2jqx3FbkWKDe0dLz959QBKDS7pRf0&index=3.
Shortly before his death Jon completed the draft of a manuscript drawing his thoughts together about what it means to practise law in the service of God. He will be much missed, but he leaves a legacy that will endure before the throne of God.