The Big Picture magazine | Issue 10 | Economics


The Bible has plenty to say about money and business. Money represents both a key conduit of blessing and the chief object of idolatrous worship. In this issue, our community offers advice and examples for business leaders, stories of Christ-centred businesses, and important challenges for all Christians to integrate our faith into our work lives.

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The Big Picture magazine Issue 10: Economics.

Gerard Manley Hopkins famously wrote that Christ plays in ten thousand places. Public Theology is of little use if it does not enter into that play in every area of life.

This issue of the magazine explores the theme of economics and business. The Bible has plenty to say about money and business. Money represents both a key conduit of blessing and the chief object of idolatrous worship, whether as mammon—wealth—in the New Testament, or more abstractly for Old Testament Israel in the form of the prosperity god Baal. Business likewise represents a place of fruitfulness where God’s people can create wealth for the benefit of all, and a place of moral testing where God’s people are to use honest scales, pay workmen well, and make room for the poor. In this issue, theologians, CEOs, financiers, economists, care workers and others from our community weigh in on the Christian’s role in the marketplace, offering advice and examples for business leaders, inspiring stories of Christ-centred businesses, and important challenges for all Christians to integrate our faith into our work lives.

This is an issue that every Christian should read. Buy one for your home coffee table. Donate a subscription to your church foyer. Recommend it to your Christian peers. This issue has been designed with the physical copy in mind. Get an inspiring issue in the way it is meant to be enjoyed.

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The Big Picture magazine aims to embody and express the myriad ways in which Christ plays in all of life: In people, in art, in places, in nature, in politics, in food, in music, in literature, in film, in sport, and in countless other places. Of course we are all different and we live in different countries and places, and thus the way in which Christ plays in our lives will be different. Unlike most magazines, which are authored for their communities, TBP is authored by our community. And so, we invite you to write for TBP. As you discover how Christ is playing in your life, your family, your city, your country, we invite you to contribute short pieces, poetry, music, art, photographs, etc. As we do this together we will see from our differences how a huge view of Christ emerges, and how he is at work in so many different ways.

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