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The Big Picture 07: Food & Place now available

Issue 07 of KLC’s The Big Picture magazine, is now out and available to read online, download for free from our website in PDF, and to order in print (UK only).

Gerard Manley Hopkins famously wrote that Christ plays in ten thousand places. Public Theology is of little use if it does not enter into that play in every area of life. The Big Picture magazine aims to embody and express the myriad ways in which Christ plays in all of life: In people, in art, in places, in nature, in politics, in food, in music, in literature, in film, in sport, and in countless other areas.

This latest edition explores the important themes of food and place, and in it you will find, among many others, articles on why we need to rediscover the importance of place today; the interconnection of land, food and worship in the Old Testament; church life in an African township; the challenges and promise of humanitarian aid and service in Haiti; Michael Shipster’s recounting and reflection on his recent Ukrainian journey; the importance of community meals in welcoming refugees; the cultural etiquette and profound hospitality of cross-cultural eating; loving where you live; the gift of food that is in season; wine and its place at a Christian table; and a conversation between friends from different cultures and continents about fellowship and food.

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