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Introducing: The Big Picture

Christ plays in ten thousand places.
Gerard Manley Hopkins

We are very excited to announce the publication of our new magazine, The Big Picture.

At KLC we resonate with Gerard Manley Hopkins’ famous saying, Christ plays in ten thousand places, and as such we are convinced that Public Theology is of little use if it does not enter into that play in every area of life.

The Big Picture is our magazine in which as a community we give expression to our celebration of life lived before God’s face and in his world.

Craig Bartholomew, Director of the Kirby Laing Centre, writes in the magazine’s introduction: “TBP aims to embody the myriad ways in which Christ plays in our lives. Of course we are all different and we live in different countries and places, and thus the way in which Christ plays in our lives will be different. Unlike most magazines which are written by others for us, we invite all members of our community and beyond, to write for TBP. As you discover how Christ is playing in your life, your family, your city, your country, we invite you to contribute short pieces, poetry, music, art, photographs, etc. As we do this together we will see from our differences how a huge view of Christ emerges, and how he is at work in so many different ways.”

The electronic version of The Big Picture is free and you can read and download it on our website. Hard copies will become available for a fee. Please feel free to share the digital version around as widely as possible. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.