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The Big Picture 05: Journalism now available!

We are excited to announce that the Online Magazine for Issue 05 of The Big Picture is now live on our website to read via desktop, tablet or mobile.

Issue 05 explores the theme of journalism in a number of excellent articles, including:

  • Guest Editorial: Real News: Use It or Lose It by Jenny Taylor
  • Wisdom Journalism Flourishes While Other Journalism Languishes by Paul Glader
  • Constructing the News: How Bias is Built In by Robin Aitken
  • Journalism is Not Public Relations by Marvin Olasky
  • Truth Matters by Anna Abram
  • Urbs in Rure by Jenny Taylor

There are many other articles covering themes like spirituality and prayer, current affairs, poetry, art, nature, literature and film.

You can head over to our website to read the articles today