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Introducing the New ArtWay has been hailed “a jewel in the crown of work in Christianity and the arts.” Founded in 2009 by Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker, the daughter of the renowned art historian, Hans Rookmaaker, ArtWay publishes materials and resources for scholars, artists, art enthusiasts and congregations concerned about linking art and faith. In 2023, ArtWay came under the custodianship of the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge. KLC seeks to preserve the legacy of ArtWay and build on the highly prized foundation that has already been laid.

ArtWay is proud to be recognised as a digital heritage site by UNESCO in the Netherlands. Since being adopted by KLC, has been fully redeveloped to make its content available in English and Dutch (with other languages on the way), and its vast body of work has been catalogued to greatly increase its filtering and searchability. It is poised to become an essential worldwide resource for Christians interested in the arts.

2500+ Articles in their Library

900+ Artists Featured

80+ Countries Represented