Living Through the Politics of the Lie
Craig Bartholomew discusses the growing tolerance for lies as the native language of politics, how darkness masquerades as the light, and the Christian calling to live according to the truth.
At KLC, Public Theology means the joyful and rigorous attempt to explore and provide answers to the question how then shall we live? Following Lesslie Newbigin we believe that “Christ is the clue to all that is.” This means pursuing Christ-the-clue in all of life.
As an academic research centre concerned with public theology we seek to do rigorous scholarship across the disciplines addressing the great issues of our day from a Christian view point. We also seek to foster and nurture Christian scholarship that is rooted in spirituality and practised in community, all with Christ-the-clue at its heart.
KLC seeks to build a nurturing and collaborative community of Christian scholars from across the disciplines by means of:
KLC’s vision of nurturing Christian scholarship rooted in spirituality and practiced in community is expressed in online and in-person events, including:
Gerard Manley Hopkins famously wrote: “Christ plays in ten thousand places”. Public theology is of little use if it does not take centre stage in every area of life. The Big Picture is our magazine in which as a community we give expression to our celebration of life and explore the question, how then shall we live? In The Big Picture you will find discussions covering theology, Scripture, economics, food, nature, art, poetry, film, music, sport, medicine, education, spirituality, science, and even motorcycles!
TBP is beautifully designed and printed, and distributed in the UK by KLC. Our international sales are now handled by Amazon. Our early issues are currently available as posts or as a free digital download, and selected free articles from our newer issues are available online.
Some of the highlights of Issue 11 have been turned into sharable posts. Share your favourite with your network and introduce The Big Picture to a wider community.
We would love to keep you updated about our up-and-coming publications, webinars, and events. The primary way we do this is via our newsletter and mailing list. Ensure you don’t miss a thing by subscribing to our KLC community mailing list today.
Craig Bartholomew discusses the growing tolerance for lies as the native language of politics, how darkness masquerades as the light, and the Christian calling to live according to the truth.
Craig Bartholomew discusses how violations of the ninth commandment continue to load hardship onto Ukraine.
KLC is now on Substack. We have launched this new platform in an effort to make our excellent publications easier to find and share. All of our back issues of
We recently made extensive structural changes to our website. Please email it@kirbylaingcentre.co.uk if you notice any problems.
The Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge. Charity registered in England and Wales. Charity Number: 1191741
Kirby Laing Centre, Office 1, Unit 6, The New Mill House, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge, CB4 3NP
© 2025 The Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge
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