From the Director
Craig G. Bartholomew
Knowledge, Education and Public Theology: Reflections from the UK
Trevor Cooling
Why I Start Every Graduate Lecture with a Children’s Book
Julie Canlis
Henri Nouwen: A Legacy of Spiritual Wisdom and Educational Excellence
Bruce Adema
Classical and Christian: Abraham Kuyper on the Nature of Genuine Study
Sara Osborne
Spirituality as Be In Touch
Kevin O’Donnell
School of Prayer
Lauren Mulford
The Gift of Empathy
David Parish
Route to (Digital) Inclusion of VIPs in Education
Henk Snetselaar
Cambridge Papers: Engaging with a Complex World
Ian Randall
Joy at Dawn
Brenda Rossouw
Chris’s Column: What Are the Goals of the Ministry of Teaching?
Chris Wright
Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac
Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker and Craig G. Bartholomew
Lord Give Me Grace
David Parish
Becoming Educated
Craig Bartholomew, Sara Osborne, Jordan Pickering and Hugo Herfst
Pastors and artists in conversation
Heidi Salzwedel
The Art of Hervé Tullet – to Wonder, to Feel, to Touch
Kevin O’Donnell
On Why You Should Use an Encyclopaedia, and Not Google
Toby Payne
Building a Better Economic Future
Rob Tatum
Costly Conservation: The Calling of an African Ranger
Otto Bam
From the Mill
Julie Canlis
Book Club: Kafka’s Metamorphosis and the Ministry of the Dark Arts
Jordan Pickering
Serving God as Cobblers and French Teachers
Mark Roques
The Language of Gothic Architecture
Otto Bam