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KLC Scripture Collective

Scripture and Doctrine Seminar

Historically doctrine has developed as the church needed to give an account of what it believed and to protect itself from heresy. SADS explores the move from Scripture to the formulation of doctrine, and how doctrine and tradition illuminate our reading of the Bible.


SADS focuses on the intersection of Scripture and Doctrine. Insofar as doctrine captures the message of the Bible it also provides an indispensable lens through which to read Scripture and informs our faithful witness to Christ in His world.

The Committee

Geoffrey Fulkerson (Dordt University; chair), Luke Stamps (Oklahoma Baptist University), Steve Harris (Elim Church, Saskatoon, SK), and Benjamin Quinn (SEBTS).

For more information, contact Geoffrey Fulkerson.

Scripture and Doctrine Seminar at SBL/IBR 2024

22 November 2024   |  15:30 – 18:00  |  San Diego, CA

Scripture-Based Models for Preaching

What can Scripture itself teach us about preaching? How did biblical authors appropriate Scripture in their own preaching? What can we learn from portions of Scripture that were intended to urge certain ways of thinking to lead to right ways of living, such as Proverbs? This seminar explores these questions and others. The focus is not on homiletics per se, but rather models for preaching that emerge organically from Scripture itself.

Seminar Programme


Lucas Stamps, Anderson University (5 min)

Opening Liturgy

William Olhausen, Minister, Church of Ireland, Presiding (5 min)


Stephen Presley, Center for Religion, Culture, and Democracy and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“The Victory of the Atonement in the Early Church” (20 min)

Benjamin Wheaton, Houghton University
“Atonement in the Middle Ages” (20 min)

Christopher Woznicki, Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Baptist Theological Seminary
“‘He Became Accursed For Us’: Debt, Punishment, and Satisfaction among Second Generation Reformers” (20 min)

Break (10 min)

Patrick McGlinchey, Church of Ireland Theological Institute
“Joseph Ratzinger’s Unique Contribution to Atonement Theology” (20 min)


Lucas Stamps, Anderson University (45 min)

Closing Liturgy

William Olhausen, Minister, Church of Ireland, Presiding (5 min)