The Norman Anderson Award

Named in honour of Sir Norman Anderson, this award seeks to support the doctoral research of a young or early career Christian legal scholar with significant promise of exercising academic or professional leadership in the field in the future and for whom financial assistance would make a real difference to their chances of pursuing such research to successful completion.

The subject of the research is ‘Law and Christian Ethics’, understood broadly to include a wide range of topics, for example: theology of law; law and morality; legal philosophy; law and (religious) liberty; human rights law; law, toleration and pluralism; comparative religious law (including Christianity); ethical issues underlying specific areas of law such as contract, corporate, international, administrative or constitutional law; law and bio-medical ethics; law and family/sexual ethics.

The award is available to students outside of KLC, as well as those participating in the KLC PhD programme.

Past recipients of the Norman Anderson Award

Jonathan Chan (2021)

Jonathan is a Departmental Lecturer in Law and Finance at the University of Oxford, where he is also completing a DPhil (PhD) in Law. Jonathan is passionate about furthering understanding of how corporate law and financial regulation can contribute to societal welfare and flourishing. His doctoral research concerns the role of reputation and self-regulation in securities markets. He was formerly based in Toronto, Canada, where he practised law with a large corporate firm. Jonathan is married to Antje, who is pursuing her DPhil in medieval English literature. Their shared loves include the poet John Donne, peeling and chopping their way through cookbooks together (Falastin is a favourite), and the French language (which they speak at home).

Felipe Carvalho (2021)

Felipe is a PhD candidate in Public Law at University of Coimbra (Portugal), holds a Master’s Degree in International Law at University of Coimbra and a Bachelor of Laws at Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (Brazil). He is currently the Editor-in-chief of the Brazilian Journal of Law and Religion (ReBraDiR), and member of the FPIN (Faith and Public Integrity Network) Steering Committee, ANAJURE (Brazilian Association of Christian Lawyers) Steering Committee, and FIAJC (Inter-American Federation of Christian Lawyers) Deliberative Council.