KLC PhD Supervisors

KLC has partnered with Union Theological College (UTC) in Belfast, Northern Ireland, to supervise PhD students. Find out more about our current PhD supervisors below. To learn more about our PhD Supervision Programme and how to become a supervisor, you can head over to the KLC PhD Supervision page.

craig bartholomew

Rev Dr Craig G. Bartholomew

Cambridge, United Kingdom
Senior Research Fellow, Adjunct Faculty at Trinity College, Bristol, and supervises doctorates through them for the University of Aberdeen

PhD (Biblical Studies), Bristol University; MA (Theological Studies), Potchefstroom University

Rev Dr Craig Bartholomew is the Director of KLC and one of the Trustees. Craig is a native South African, and a graduate of Oxford University and the University of Bristol. He is the author and editor of numerous books, and is currently working on a multi-volume project entitled “Old Testament Origins and the Question of God.” Craig is Senior Research Fellow, Adjunct Faculty at Trinity College, Bristol, and supervises doctorates through them for the University of Aberdeen. Craig loves gardening, is passionate about horses and dressage in particular, and enjoys crafts and jewellery making in particular.

Old Testament; Interdisciplinary studies; 

steve bishop

Dr Steve Bishop

Wales, UK
Independent researcher; Associate Fellow at the Kirby Laing Centre.

PhD, North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa.

Steve Bishop is an independent researcher from Wales, UK. He runs the website All of Life Redeemed (www.allofliferedeemed.co.uk), dedicated to neo-Calvinist thought. He serves as a trustee for the Thinking Faith Network and is an Associate Fellow at the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology. In 2019, he earned his PhD from North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa, under the supervision of Renato Coletto.

He is also the co-editor of On Kuyper: A Collection of Readings on the Life, Work & Legacy of Abraham Kuyper (Dordt Press, 2013) and author of A Kuyper Primer (Paideia Press, forthcoming). His research on neo-Calvinism has been published in academic journals such as Foundations, Koers, Pro Rege, Findings, Neocalviniana, Calvin Theological Journal, and the Journal for Christian Scholarship.

Most things related to neo-Calvinism, particularly its history and reception.

Dr Adrian Coates

Dr Adrian Coates

Cape Town, South Africa

Research Fellow in Theology, The University of the Free State.

PhD (Religious Studies), University of Cape Town; MA (Theological Studies), Regent College; BA (Theology and Philosophy), University of South Africa.

My own studies and my ongoing engagement with academia are very much through the lens of understanding faith/life integration in the everyday. My background is with a missions organization and I currently work at a Christian Study Centre at the University of Cape Town, assisting students in better understanding how to integrate their faith with their studies in whichever field they find themselves.

Theological aesthetics (particularly in the everyday); Interdisciplinary studies (particularly with a focus on Christianity and culture); Theological anthropology (with emphases on desire, attention and embodiment).

Dr John DelHousaye

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Professor of Bible and Theology, Arizona Christian University.

Theologian in Residence, Spiritual Formation Society of Arizona and Surge Network.

PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary

I serve the church as a teacher, pastor, and spiritual director.

Jesus, Gospels, and Spiritual Formation

Andrew Kirk

Dr Andrew Kirk

Lechlade-on-Thames, UK
Retired. Previously Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham (UK); Doctoral Supervisor at International Baptist Theological Study Centre (Free University, Amsterdam), The Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (Middlesex University, UK), The Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life (Stellenbosch University), The Kirby Laing Centre (Union Theological College).

PhD, The Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; MPhil, University of London; BA, University of Cambridge; BD, University of London.

My current areas of interest are all related to Christian mission in a Western context, especially on the question of human identity in a secular, post-Christian environment, currently dominated by critical theory and hostility to Christian faith.

Mission in the West and in Latin America (I spend 12 years teaching theology in Argentina)

Dr Shawn Langley

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Wake Technical Community College.

PhD, University of Aberdeen; ThM, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; MDiv, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; BA, University of Tennessee.

My research concentrates on the role of philosophy, especially epistemology, in how we read and interpret Scripture. This has given rise to particular interests in the history of philosophy, theological method, and the place of the Holy Spirit in our knowledge of God. Apart from research, I enjoy traveling, old books, and all things aviation.

Epistemology; Philosophical Theology; Systematic Theology

david larsen

Dr David Larsen

Texas, USA
Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge

PhD (Theology), St Mary’s University, Twickenham, UK; ThM (New Testament), Dallas Theological Seminary; BS (Applied Physics), Georgia Institute of Technology.

In addition to being the Director of the Scripture Collective for KLC, I am interested in the theology of place and placemaking, along with the implications of placemaking for the theology of mission. I have two forthcoming pieces of literature: my first book, The Place of God at the Bookends of the Bible, (forthcoming); and my first peer-reviewed article, “The Sea is No Longer (Rev 21:1c),” in Horizons in Biblical Theology (forthcoming).

Theology of Place, Placemaking, and Mission.

Dr Brian Matz

Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Professor of the History of Christianity, Fontbonne University.

PhD, Saint Louis University; PhD and STD, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Although my research generally takes me into some pretty esoteric topics, I enjoy sitting with students thinking about how Christian history and the development of theology over the centuries speaks to our present, cultural moment. And if I can have that conversation over some good coffee or some spicy food, all the better. There is probably also no plane I see flying overhead that I haven’t wished that I was on.

Church history and (social) ethics

Dr Mikael Normann

Skien, Norway
Associate Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway.

PhD (Mathematics), Queen Mary University of London; MPhil (Astrophysics), Queens University of Belfast; BSc (Physics), University of Bergen.

At the moment I am studying various aspects of Einstein’s theory of gravitation. But my research interest extends to foundational aspects of quantum mechanics to the philosophy of mathematics and its history. I am chairing the KLC math hub that brings together Christian scholars in mathematics to pursue rigorous academic research on topics in mathematics and philosophy/theology of mathematics and physics.

I am interested in supervising any PhD candidates that have an interest in conducting research on philosophical and theological aspects of mathematics or physics.

Dr Stephen W. Rankin

Kansas, USA
Pastor, Arkansas City United Methodist Church; Executive Director, Spiritual Maturity Project.

PhD (Religious Studies), Northwestern University; ThM, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; MDiv, Saint Paul School of Theology; BS, Kansas State University.

I love exploring the linkages between the intellect and the affections, especially as they apply to the relationship between Christian doctrine and discipleship. This interest involves exploring how the higher cognitive emotions influence and are influenced by the understanding, with all kinds of applications to the Christian life.

Soteriology and anthropology; John Wesley and Wesleyan thought and practice; Christian apologetics

Dr Michael J. Rhodes

New Zealand
Carey Baptist College

PhD, Trinity College / University of AberdeenMA (Biblical Studies), Gordon-Conwell CharlotteBA (Economic Community Development/English), Covenant College.

My academic work is driven by a desire to help the church hear and respond to God’s call to become a community that participates in God’s mission of justice and mercy. To that end, and based on my experience in Christian community development work, I’m particularly interested in biblical resources for discipleship oriented towards economic and racial justice. I work at the intersection of biblical studies, theological ethics, and contemporary matters of race and class.

Old Testament ethics, particularly around issues of justice, land, law, and economic life; Economic ethics in the Bible Theological interpretation of the Old Testament


Dr Michael Wagenman

London, Ontario, Canada
Graduate Research Faculty, Western University.

PhD, University of Bristol (UK); MDiv, Calvin Theological Seminary; BA, University of Minnesota.

I love questions – especially questions related to how Christian faith relates to all of life. This passion has guided my own education, my ongoing research and writing, and my practical work of mentoring students. I enjoy reading, photography, homemaking, spending time traveling to see my adult children, and supporting my spouse’s psychotherapy practice.

Abraham Kuyper and the neo-calvinist/Reformational tradition, Ecclesiology (the place and role of the church in society), Christian worldview/cosmology, Theological anthropology and vocational discernment, “Death of God” theology and Christian witness within secularism/diversity, Hermeneutics/Biblical interpretation (New Testament)