Søren Kierkegaard and Spirituality | Nuances 01


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In this inaugural volume, Nuances 01, we have published the four essays presented our recent event Søren Kierkegaard and Spirituality: A Dialogue with C. Stephen Evans. In this collection four scholars engage with Professor Evans’ excellent work Kierkegaard and Spirituality: Accountability as the Meaning of Human Existence, as well as explore Kierkegaard’s contribution to the field of Christian Spirituality more broadly.

The essays include:

  • Finding the Real Kierkegaard Behind the Myths and Misconceptions, C. Stephen Evans
  • The Accountable Imagination: Spiritual Formation as Co-Creation with Christ, Adrian Coates
  • Spiritual Pandemics and Kierkegaardian Christian Practice, J. Aaron Simmons
  • The Knight of Faith: Just What Does He or She Look Like?, Craig G. Bartholomew
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