Rev Dr George Hobson.
When, saddened by our human plight
(We trust not God or men, from fear
Of death and time’s unravelling spool),
I stand, O Lord, beneath your night
And hear the grass and tired trees
Stirring in their sleep, I feel a fool
To fret that our inveterate sin,
Yielding such disloyalty, might shake
The structures of your faithfulness.
When lightning rends the dark, and din
Of thunder claps in cloud-quake
That makes the poor heart tremble,
The breadth of your great power, Lord,
Your sway and glory, strikes my soul;
Sin’s citadels encroaching on our race,
Issue of our disgrace, then cease to tower
In my mind, and fear, faith’s enemy,
Is toppled from its throne and trampled down.
Yet under the turn of constellations,
The Dippers, Taurus, the precious stars
That stud the White Way’s lustrous hoop,
What prompts my heart to adoration
Is not the splendour of those heavenly flames,
Not night’s sweep nor the galaxy’s loop
In space, but wind in the dark leaves,
Breathing on the furrowed earth, breathing
On my furrowed brow, the still voice
In the breeze whispering under the eaves
Of the universe, calling the heart harrowed
By love’s impossibility, to rejoice.
Oh, not the call’s content but the fact
Of it, first is wonderful – I am named!
And if named, then known, wanted, claimed.
The call itself – the Word – is the act.
Found – loved! – I stand enthralled
To hear on the night wind my name called.