The Big Picture magazine | Issue 12 | Education & Formation


It would be hard to stress the importance of formation and education too much. Christian conversion is crucial but Scripture orients us towards our world, and being converted is insufficient by itself for the church to become this salt and light. Conversion must be followed by ongoing formation and education, by what the Bible calls sanctification. This formation is of the whole person, of heart and head – that is, of our wills, desires, thoughts and feelings.

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The Big Picture magazine Issue 12: Education & Formation.

It would be hard to stress the importance of formation and education too much. Christian conversion is crucial but Scripture orients us towards our world, and being converted is insufficient by itself for the church to become this salt and light. Conversion must be followed by ongoing formation and education, by what the Bible calls sanctification. This formation is of the whole person, of heart and head – that is, of our wills, desires, thoughts and feelings.

There is a complexity to relating the Bible to our world and its contemporary issues. Hence the need for education, for the formation of our minds so that in the light of God’s Word we can explore with rigour and depth his ways in our world and how to align ourselves with them. In this edition of TBP you will find a diverse range of articles primarily, but by no means exclusively, related to education and formation. May they invite us to explore these wonderful themes anew, with our hearts and heads fully engaged.

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The Big Picture magazine aims to embody and express the myriad ways in which Christ plays in all of life: In people, in art, in places, in nature, in politics, in food, in music, in literature, in film, in sport, and in countless other places. Of course we are all different and we live in different countries and places, and thus the way in which Christ plays in our lives will be different. Unlike most magazines, which are authored for their communities, TBP is authored by our community. And so, we invite you to write for TBP. As you discover how Christ is playing in your life, your family, your city, your country, we invite you to contribute short pieces, poetry, music, art, photographs, etc. As we do this together we will see from our differences how a huge view of Christ emerges, and how he is at work in so many different ways.

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